Into All the World: Volume 1, Issue 10

Creation — The Basis for the Gospel

By David Peach, Director of Deaf Ministries 

The Bible opens with the story of creation. What a wonderful starting point! It makes sense practically, but there is so much more to creation than it just being a good place to start. The story establishes a powerful God who has the right to control the world. No wonder non-Christian cultures want to destroy the foundation of biblical creation today.

Missionary Highlight
Jason & Kate

Please pray for Jason and Kate. They are home on furlough after learning Arabic in a Middle Eastern country. Soon they plan on going to the land that is a type of the world in the Scriptures.

Within this biblical land of over 50 million people less than 2% of its population are evangelical. Besides this fact, there are many unreached people groups that call this land home. Most of these are Muslim.

Pray for Jason, Kate and their children as they soon move to this country. Also, pray that there will be stability in this troubled land according to 1 Timothy 2:2. “For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we [they] may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

Missionary Humor

Not particularly liking the meal, yet not wanting to offend his host a new missionary to Germany quickly ate what was in front of him. As soon as the last morsel was gone the host, grinning from ear to ear, plopped another helping down on the missionary’s plate. Again, the missionary cleaned his plate, albeit a little slower. Once again, the host, this time with big eyes, plopped down another portion of the unsavory dish. After finishing half of his third helping, the missionary finally swallowed his pride and asked the seasoned missionary sitting next to him what to do. “Oh,” said the veteran, “if your finished just leave a little food on your plate.”

Missionary Quote

If ten men are carrying a log – nine of them on the little end and one at the heavy end – and you want to help, which end will you lift on? – William Borden

The basis of the Gospel is the essence of the creation story that there is a God who has complete authority yet loves us. This God sent His Son as a substitute for us to take the punishment of our sins. Without understanding God’s absolute authority (creation), then none of the rest of the Gospel seems to make sense to an unbeliever.

Missionaries often deal with cultures or people groups that have no understanding of biblical creation. There is a need in these cases to teach the basics of the Bible which lays the foundation for the Gospel.

Many people in the United States learn about creation through casual listening to TV and radio programming. Even those absolutely opposed to Biblical Christianity know the basics of creationism in an attempt to defend their evolutionary position.

But what if there were a people group in the United States that was cut off from the knowledge and discussion of creationism? Have you thought about how you would teach the Gospel to them? That is exactly the situation with the Deaf. They are not casually listening to the radio to pick up Bible teaching or evolutionary debates. If they are going to learn about the Gospel of Christ they need someone to intentionally share it with them. What are you and your church doing to reach the Deaf around you?

Short Term Missions Trips

By John Yingling, General Director

Photo of Dr. John YinglingShort Term Missions is popular today. I am convinced that a missions trip can be very profitable. The benefits of short term missions trips can be fourfold. The host missionary is encouraged, the target people can be influenced for Christ, the short term missionary (STM) can have a life changing experience, and the sending church can also encouraged. Therefore, a missions trip is indeed a worthwhile venture; however, there must be some “rules of engagement.”

First and foremost, the STM must be spiritually mature. I have witnessed worldly STMs discourage missionaries and the target people because the STMs have brought their carnal, materialistic mind set with them. I have also witnessed STMs suffer severe consequences by engaging in spiritual warfare that they were totally unprepared for. Spiritual maturity is a must for anyone desiring to go to the mission field.

Secondly, the STM must be sensitive and submissive. Many problems can arise from misunderstanding. Cultural differences are usually the cause of these misunderstandings. These misunderstandings can be devastating; yet they can be avoided if the STM embraces a servant’s heart and keeps an open mind when it comes to culture and ministry methods and philosophies. Questions can be asked in private at an appropriate time. Every STM should memorize and practice Ephesians 5:21, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.”

Finally and practically, the STM should take care to communicate with the host missionary and plan financially. A STM should bring enough money to be a blessing to the host missionary. Things like food, fuel, Internet usage, etc. can be very expensive. Many times, by default, the missionary host ends up being a tour guide of sorts and foots the bill as well.

I wish that every local church member could visit a mission field. Short Term Mission Trips can be such a blessing to everyone involved. Nevertheless, we must take heed. The mission field is not a recreation field; it is a battle field. Be a short term missionary; but, go mature, go meek, and go with money.

NOTE: We at BIO want to become more involved in facilitating mission trips. Please contact us and allow us to help you with your missions trip. We will be glad to assist you with logistics and help you with the “rules of engagement.”

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