BIO November Meeting
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Charles Keen
Dr. Keen pastored the First Baptist Church of Milford, Ohio for 35 years, during which time more than 50 families were sent to the mission field from that congregation. Millions of dollars were raised for missions, and he co-founded Bearing Precious Seed. He has now founded FirstBible International which concentrates on getting the Bible to unreached people groups.
Faithful Woman
It is our desire this year to honor Missionary Lynne Decker as our Faithful Woman. She has worked in Brazil for many years. She has a school for the Deaf and from her labors a church has been started. Her health might not allow her to come, so pray for her.
Meeting Schedule
The meeting begins with a banquet Monday night at 6:30. Call the BIO office by October 22 to make banquet reservations. Tickets are $25 per person.
Sessions will continue throughout the day on Tuesday. The meeting concludes at 12:15 on Wednesday afternoon. During these sessions there will be an open discussion on topics related to missions with Dr. Keen. Come prepared to participate with your own questions.
Country Cascades
We will again meet at the Country Cascades on Sharon Drive in Pigeon Forge, Tn. They have offered BIO special rates starting at $59 per night. Call Country Cascades to book your room at 800-523-3919. A very nice complementary breakfast is provided and all the meetings will be held in the hotel.