Password Managers — David Peach
- LastPass
- 1Password
- KeePass
- Strong Password Checker
- Compromised Password Checker
- LastPass tutorial videos
Excellence in Deputation — Jeff Price
- Deputation Manual for Missionaries, Austin Gardner and Tony Howeth
Communication With Excellence — David Peach
- Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath
- Smart Talk, Lisa B. Marshall
- Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud
- Making Comics, Scott McCloud
- Presentation Zen, Garr Reynolds
- Slide: ology, Nancy Duarte
- Back of the Napkin, Dan Roam
- Write Better, Speak Better, Reader’s Digest
- Anything by Ken Blanchard
Making an Excellent Presentation — Tom Burkett
- Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts, Jerry Bridges
- Preaching With Purpose, Jay Adams
- The Journey of a Wounded Warrior Family
- Defining Point Media
Excellent Health — Brent Madaris
- Power Sleep, James Maas
- Getting a Good Night’s Sleep, Muriel MacFarlane
The Indigenous Church Principle — Terry Childers
- When Charity Destroys Dignity
Excellence in Finances — Richard McMillen
- Pulpit and Pew Finances
- Budget Analysis from Pulpit and Pew Ministries — multiple sheets with explanation and examples
- State Department website for country information
- CIA World Factbook country information
BIO Office Procedures — Nikki Lawson and John Yingling
- BIO Quarterly Report (for printing)
- BIO Quarterly Report (filling out on computer)
- Travel Expense Report spreadsheet
- Online Missionary Review Form
- IRS Publication 1542 for Per Diem information
- Foreign Per Diem information
Please feel free to use the comment area to add any resource links or email your content to BIO.
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