Missionaries to the Deaf
Training God’s People to Reach the Deaf
David and Stephanie joined BIO in 2001. They came to BIO as veteran missionaries already involved in full-time deaf ministry since 1994. Their desire is to help churches reach the Deaf around them for Christ by training workers in sign language and understanding of deaf ministry.
In 2004 they went to the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico to help a hearing church start a deaf ministry. They went to train the hearing while preaching the Gospel to the Deaf in the city of Merida. After two years in the work Bill and Jennifer Green joined them. God tremendously blessed the ministry and opened the doors for the Peaches and Greens to start a deaf church.
After being in Merida, Mexico for four years they felt like they had done what God called them to do in that city. They returned to the US for a furlough seeking the Lord’s leading for where to minister next.
In 2010 they left for the city of La Plata, Argentina to learn and then teach the Argentine sign language to a church that desired to reach the Deaf. God allowed them to start a ministry to the Deaf in one church and train people in another church in how to reach the deaf community with the Gospel. Feeling confident they had again accomplished their purpose in that ministry, they returned to the US in 2011 after having been in Argentina for a year and a half.
David took over as Director of Deaf Ministries for BIO in 2008. When they returned from Argentina David moved into the offices of BIO to work from there to assist BIO’s other missionaries working with the Deaf.