News From Paulo & Marilza Tavares
Missionaries serving in Brazil
We have received several visitors during the past few months. It has been a great opportunity to share the gospel. Our prayer is that they may come to know the Lord as their Savior. We have been distributing John and Romans and New Testaments as we go out soul winning. The majority of our church members love going out soulwinning and distributing gospel literature. There is a lady that even takes her 2 year old boy who also loves to pass out gospel tracts. We have had many opportunities to witness to those we come in contact with. Lots of people gladly received the New Testament and gospel tracts and some start reading it right way.
In November, a man named Beto came to our Sunday Evening service. He used to be my mechanic, and after many years of witnessing and inviting him to church, he decided to attend and heard the gospel one more time and asked the Lord to be his Savior!! Praise the Lord!!! Please pray for his spiritual growth.
Happy 2015!
We are gearing up for a great year! Pray with us as we begin creating a BIO ministry presentation video. Please also pray for Director Terry Childers, as he develops the next SMART Module on culture. Among other things It will cover cross-cultural communication and culture shock. A foreign missionary can never have too much training in this area. If you have any good materials that Brother Terry could glean from, feel free to contact him. Have a great year; and remember, it is on Him we must lean in 2015!
Gomeju Is Coming To The States!
Written by Faye Dykes, Director of Joyce’s Kids
We are so excited to announce that Gomeju will be coming to the States in February for a short furlough. She has not had the opportunity to come since 2000, and she needs to raise more monthly support for the school and try to raise the funds to finish the VICKtory School for the Deaf building. Again, the government has told her that the building they are renting will not be available for the next school term, and this means that if we cannot get this phase of the building completed we are back to the problem of trying to locate a place large enough for all our deaf students. Gomeju will only be here a few months. Please e-mail me or call me at the BIO office to schedule Gomeju at your church.