This letter was written by BIO missionary Paulo Tavares
The Tavares Family Missionaries to Brazil
“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” – II Corinthians 4:6
Dear Pastors and Praying Friends,
Here we are at the end of the year and we want to share with you what the Lord is doing with us here in Brazil. We have been in the new church building now for 4 months and are enjoying every minute in it! We always praise the Lord for that!!!
We have received several visitors during the past few months. It has been a great opportunity to share the gospel. Our prayer is that they may come to know the Lord as their Savior. We have been distributing John and Romans and New Testaments as we go out soul winning. The majority of our church members love going out soul-winning and distributing gospel literature. There is a lady that even takes her 2 year old boy who also loves to pass out gospel tracts. We have had many opportunities to witness to those we come in contact with. Lots of people gladly received the New Testament and gospel tracts and some start reading it right way.
In November, a man named Beto came to our Sunday Evening service. He used to be my mechanic, and after many years of witnessing and inviting him to church, he decided to attend and heard the gospel one more time and asked the Lord to be his Savior!! Praise the Lord!!! Please pray for his spiritual growth.
There is a new couple, Francisco and Valeria that just moved to Rio from the Northeast with their two precious children. They have been regularly attending the services. Also there is a single lady named Fabiana that is faithfully coming to all the services. Please pray for salvation and continual spiritual growth of our church!
We are almost ready for the cantata that we will present just a few days before Christmas on the 21st. The church in Itaboraí will be with us also. Please pray for God to use this time that many would come to know Him as Savior.
We are very happy that Kayla and Tiffany will come to be with us for Christmas and the New Year. It will be a blessing to have them with us. Kayla has been back in the US for almost 4 years and Tiffany for almost 2 years. It seems like it was just yesterday.
We would like to thank you very much for all your prayers, financial support, and encouraging cards. We also are thankful for all the Christmas cards and gifts. We appreciate all of you, and we praise the Lord for having you as a vital part of our ministry here in Brazil.
May the richest blessings of the Lord be upon your lives and ministry. Have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!!!!!
Under His Care
Paulo & Marilza Tavares
Your Missionaries to Brazil
Prayer Requests
- Salvation of our community
- Salvation oi the visitors
- Spiritual and Physical Growth of the church
- Our Safety
- Our Health