News From Bob & Jody Hayton
Missionaries to Zambia
It’s harvest time in Zambia, and village farmers are moving throughout the area with ox carts full of maize. Pastor Sianjomwa stated that this is the best harvest he has seen in three years. We plant the seed; God sends the sunshine and rain. We tend the fields, and God gives the increase.
In mid May a soulwinning conference was held in Maala. Six preachers from the Toka Leya tribe came to help teach the church members there how to reach out with the gospel. The Maala congregation worked hard to extend hospitality and prepare for a crowd. The conference had just begun when word was received that Namaambo, a 29 year old mother of three, had passed away. The conference was halted as she was laid to rest. The village pastors preached the gospel at the funeral. The family was comforted with the knowledge that Namaambo had been saved last year. Many of the family were from the other side of the Kafue River, and several of them turned to Christ and spiritually bonded with the church family…
Missionary Training School
The Lord blessed us with another great training school this month. The theme this year was “Numbering our Days” from Psalm 90:12, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” Missionaries serving in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America attended.
The sessions were very practical and covered a variety of topics such as legal and health documents, money matters, deputation, nutrition and health, and culture to name a few. It was an intense week, but one that will benefit our missionaries for years to come.
Thank you to all of you who prayed. The next missionary training school will be June 22-26, 2015.
Missionaries Set to Depart
Missionaries Jason & Sarah Sykes
Deputation is coming to an end for Jason and Sarah Sykes. Since they spent time in Costa Rica studying Spanish the only thing between the Sykes and Venezuela is the acquisition of their visas and the rest of their outfit and passage fund.
God has given the Sykes a tremendous contact at the consulate in New Orleans. They have been encouraged by the communication that they have received from the consulate. Pray for their visas to be granted. Pray for the rest of the funds that they need to move to Venezuela.