Dear Friends in Christ,
It’s harvest time in Zambia, and village farmers are moving throughout the area with oxcarts full of maize. Pastor Sianjomwa stated that this is the best harvest he has seen in three years. We plant the seed; God sends the sunshine and rain. We tend the fields, and God gives the increase.
In mid May a soulwinning conference was held in Maala. Six preachers from the Toka Leya tribe came to help teach the church members there how to reach out with the gospel. The Maala congregation worked hard to extend hospitality and prepare for a crowd. The conference had just begun when word was received that Namaambo, a 29 year old mother of three, had passed away. The conference was halted as she was laid to rest. The village pastors preached the gospel at the funeral. The family was comforted with the knowledge that Namaambo had been saved last year. Many of the family were from the other side of the Kafue River, and several of them turned to Christ and spiritually bonded with the church family. Contact details were exchanged and another Romans 15:20 opportunity presented itself.
The chief was touched by the compassion shown by the preachers at this funeral, and he gave each of the them some pumpkins from his garden.
On a recent journey to the village of Mundundu, I watched folks carry hot coals on a large piece of tree bark and put it in the center of a log pile. The tree bark, ignited by the hot coals, became the catalyst for a roaring fire. We have been entrusted with the hot coals of the gospel of Christ. Thank you for your prayers and support; thank you for fanning the flame.
Speaking of harvest, we have just been resupplied with seed. The seven ton shipment of Bibles, scripture booklets, Bible dictionaries, English dictionaries, and commentaries has arrived! Thank you to all who labored so hard to make this a reality. Now please pray to the God of the harvest for wisdom, direction, protection, and increase as we plant the seed of the gospel of Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Robert Hayton