Adoniram Judson said, “The motto for every missionary, whether preacher, printer, or schoolmaster ought to be “Devoted for Life.” A preacher friend of mine was being interviewed as a possible candidate for pastor of a church, and they asked the question, “How long were you at your last church?” He told them and then added, “but I’ve been with the company for a long time.” Faye and I entered the full-time service of the Lord for life in 1962, and 54 years later we still expect to fulfill that obligation. We signed on with BIO in 1999, and after nearly 18 years I cannot imagine ever severing that relationship. However, at this point in life I believe I have so many more things to offer that will be more helpful to the cause of missions than serving as president of BIO. There are others who can preside over things as well or better than I, and I can give my full attention to helping missionaries and churches. Therefore, at our annual meeting, November 17, I submitted my resignation as President of BIO to become effective December 31. I am in no way resigning from BIO or missions; I am simply transitioning. I want to concentrate on some things that I have not had total liberty to do before, because of the restraints of time and other obligations. One of the people quite able to oversee the work of BIO is Dr. John Yingling, who will assume this responsibility January 1, 2017. He has been with BIO for 16 years and knows every facet of the work. I ask that you pray for him.
I will maintain my seat on the Executive Council and, at their request, assume the title of International Ambassador. My intent is to work directly with missionaries, pastors and churches to promote missions around the world. We will preach, teach and evangelize on the mission field, and help with various special projects. I will hold some regional pastors meetings, represent BIO wherever possible, help to recruit missionaries, and, perhaps, do some writing.
We need your prayer and financial support more than we ever have before. Several times I have prayed Dr. Vance Havner’s prayer; “Lord, leave me not a worthless workman in a world full of work.” Up to this time, He has graciously answered my prayer. We have several meetings in the works for next year, and are available to help any of you to enhance your mission outreach. Billy Graham said, “The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.” This is our great confidence at this point of our life and service.
You can get our current contact information by calling the BIO office or contacting me through email.