Urban Updates Summer 2014
Fun at Camp YES
Another two weeks of camp YES has come to a close. We had four campers and two teen helpers attend junior camp and four teens enjoyed teen week. Leslie and I were counselors during teen camp.
We are so grateful for what God did. One child who rides our van to church trusted Christ and other young people sought direction regarding their next step in life. Some made a decision to memorize Scripture more frequently, and still others said they wanted to be more consistent in their Christian life (a topic that was preached about at teen camp). We now begin the process of helping these young people grow and stick to their decisions.
We are so thankful to Pastor Conner and the wonderful people at Greater Vancouver Baptist Church who host camp each year. All the children and teens at Urban Community Baptist Church talk about camp for weeks after it is over and they are already eager for next summer.
In family news, Anna has begun working on obtaining her drivers license. The process for obtaining a drivers license is a lengthy one here, but hopefully soon she will be able to begin driving…well maybe hopefully soon if you know what I mean? It’s actually hard for us to believe she is old enough to drive.
Leslie will begin making preparations for another year of teaching school and all of us will also be busy with fall ministry plans. It’s been a busy summer and it’s hard to believe fall will be here soon.
Praises & Prayer Requests
- We praise the Lord for His sustaining grace during the gay pride parade once again.
- We are thankful for the many decisions young people made at camp.
- We rejoice that over the last couple of weeks we have had some visitors attend church.
- We would like to ask you to pray for the salvation of several people we are doing all we can to share the gospel with. The Lord knows their names and we just ask you would bring them to His throne with us.
- All the young people who made decisions at camp will need much prayer for strength and grace to carry through with their decisions.
- We would also appreciate prayers for our continued summer outreach as well as our fall plans. We will begin a Bible club in the public high school this fall.
I know I say it often, but we are truly thankful for all you do for us, both in the giving of finances and in praying for us. We are honoured to be a part of your missionary team and pray the Lord will richly bless your ministry as well.
With Very Grateful Hearts,
Shawn, Leslie, & Anna Beliveau