This letter was written by BIO missionary Angelica Seals
Missionary in Yucatan, Mexico
Dear Friends,
This summer has been very hard, short yet very rewarding. We had one Youth Camp and six Vacation Bible Schools.
Once again we had the privilege of having Miss Linda Castleberry for four weeks, who was of great help in several Vacation Bible Schools during the summer, and we were also blessed with the return of Brother Jimmie Long, his wife Mrs. Faye and their daughter Elizabeth, who were of great blessing once again with their clown ministry in the Vacation Bible School in Tecoh.
The Youth Camp lasted three days, and we had an attendance of 18 young people with workers and all we averaged 30. Brother Moises, Brother Esteban, and Brother Jaime each took a day to teach. Each presented a Bible character and focused on what they faced as young people in a world that did not know God, and how each of them were able to be a witness in their convictions.
In the Church of Acanceh , we prayed and asked God to give us new contacts through the children that came to Him for salvation. We Praise the Lord, on the second day God blessed us with three children that made a professions of faith. Two of them were boys of 12 years old. Brother Irving and David are now working with them for the young boys Sunday School class.
In Pixyah we had a very good attendance. One of the things that was most touching to see was that men and women whom Becky and I worked with when they were children, now coming with their sons and daughters. Several of them came up to us with a smile on their face asking if we remember them. The most important thing was that they remembered God, and that what they were taught in their youth was now having an impact on their children.
Thank you all for praying for each one of the Vacation Bible Schools as you do each year. Thank you also for praying with us for souls to be saved. The Lord answered our prayer for this summer. We had 4 to come to Jesus for salvation.
Pray as we once again take up our regular activities, Bible Institute Studies, Girls and Boys for Christ Club, Onesimus Ministry, Dorcas Ministry and other ministries.
Thank you for your continual prayers for us here in the ministry in the Yucatan as you co-labor with us so that others can be saved and grow to serve God.