Into All The World: Volume 3, Issue 2

News From Ron and Sara Smith

Missionaries to the Vietnamese and Cambodians in Cambodia

God willing, Somon a young man whom we have written of before will be moving from Vietnam to work with us sometime before the end of April. Somon trusted in Christ as Savior here in Cambodia in 2008. Just prior to our leaving on furlough in 2010, his family went back to Vietnam where he has been faithful in a church we know about there. We had been praying for someone to help us in the ministry and in reaching people who speak Vietnamese. Somon told us about his desire to help during a visit this past October. Please pray that this will work out in God’s time according to His leading, and will be a true help to our ministry.


Computers Needed!

A couple of our national missionaries are needing computers for their work. A donor who became aware of this need has sent BIO a gift of $500.00 to be used as a matching gift. Four computers are needed at a total cost of $1,150.00. If you would like to help with this need please donate online or send a check to BIO earmarked for computers. Thank you!

Missionary to Ethiopia

Photo of Nader and a national pastor.Nader Baraty

Ethiopia has always been a special place to BIO. Our founder, Dr. Richard Vick, was a missionary to Ethiopia for 11 years. Currently BIO has a missionary couple, several national co-laborers, VICKtory School for the Deaf, and a blind school in Ethiopia. Lord willing, Nader Baraty will join them soon.

Nader, who is Iranian, was saved out of a Muslim influenced home. God has burdened him to reach Muslims for Christ. He was recently approved as a BIO missionary and is working hard to fill his deputation schedule. Please consider having Nadar come and present his ministry in your church.

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