This letter was written by BIO missionary David White
Missionaries to Chile
Dear Friends,
This week marks two years since we arrived in Chile. What a blessing to look back and see how God has worked in our lives and in those around us. It is also wonderful to see how many of you have given, prayed, and encouraged our family in so many ways. We appreciate your willingness to participate in reaching Chile with the Good News.

The children of Trinity Baptist Church signing for Mother’s Day
Trinity Baptist Church has been steadily growing. We have seen several new people from the community begin to attend regularly every week. One man, Sergio, accepted Christ as his Saviour recently and has begun discipleship. Please pray for his wife and family and their need for salvation. We also have had many first time visitors. Pray as we try to reach these new people that they will come to have a personal relationship with Christ.
We have also begun an in depth training class one night a week with several of the faithful men of the church. They are currently learning lesson preparation and are giving short 5 minute lessons during the services. This opportunity helps them to get used to studying as well as preparing them for future leadership as teachers/preachers as God sees fit. Please remember these men in your prayers, that they will remain faithful and continue to develop their spiritual lives and service.

Annual Men’s retreat. About 50 men attend during this wonderful time of training and fellowship.
In March I was able to make a short visit back to the United States to participate in two missions conferences, as well as visit three other churches. God blessed this short trip and one young man surrendered his life to mission work. We are also very grateful for the new partners that we were able to gain that are now supporting the work here.
In May we began working on a building of a new church plant . Jason Holt, one of our fellow team members, is starting Liberty Baptist Church in another community of Santiago. We have been adding on a simple addition to the rented house that will become the auditorium. Two other churches are waiting for me to work on their buildings as well. I am always excited to use my past construction knowledge here in Chile to further the work of Christ.
In closing I would like to thank all of you that have given recently to special projects that we have had this year. Camilo was able purchase a much needed motorcycle. One church donated towards a printer that is now being used to print invitations and other material for the church. Others have given money towards the purchase a much needed van for our family. Praise the Lord we were able to purchase a 9 passenger van this past week , which will be an excellent tool in the ministry and blessing to our family. God supplies all our needs.
Please know that we appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for your support in reaching Chile!
The Whites