We are thankful that seventeen missionaries attended BIO’s recent two-day SMARTraining module on matters of Personal Security. The featured speaker was a Christian brother whose thirty-four year career in law-enforcement included FBI, DEA and Secret Service assignments. In light of the fact that his duties had taken him to several foreign countries, it was obvious that the Lord provided us with the right instructor. Certainly He Who has called us into His service is personally interested in providing us with practical instruction on how to avoid exposing ourselves and/or our families to serious risks, such as those which abound on some foreign fields.
Two other speakers were missionaries; each one shared a personal experience and the lessons learned when they had to flee the strife-torn regions where they lived and ministered. The goal of these speakers was to help condition the minds of the listeners as to certain indicators and factors that should be monitored when residing in unstable areas of the world.
Overall, the attendees revealed that this type of training was helpful in preparing them for life on the field; certainly it could put to rest questions and concerns that arise in the hearts and minds of dedicated servants who head into harm’s way in service to our Most-Worthy King.