There is often confusion between pastors, churches and missionaries. The concept of Missionary Table Talks was invented by Missionary Chris Luppino with Gospel Furthering Fellowship.
Chris writes: “Missionary Table Talks are one-day seminars for pastors, missionaries, and mission leaders. The goal is to help bridge the chasm of misunderstanding between many pastors and the real-life experience of missionaries. Important subjects that undermine a church’s investment in missions are addressed and discussed in a relaxed, informal, confidential, and non-judgmental setting. A Table Talk is not preaching or Bible exposition. The subjects are presented in a forum/workshop format. There is no cost to attend. Coffee breaks, snacks, and lunch are provided.”
BIO has embraced the Missionary Table Talk (MTT) with the help of Chris Luppino. We enjoyed our first MTT last February 2023. Our second MTT is scheduled as a part of our BIO Fall Meeting. We will meet at 10 a.m. at Faith Baptist Church. Missionary Don Mingo and Missionary Chris Luppino will moderate. Lunch will be provided immediately afterward. We hope to see you there.