Bill and Jennifer Green, Missionaries to the Deaf
As in many churches around the world, COVID prompted new ministries for us using the internet. During the “lockdown” we posted three videos a week. We started livestreaming the preaching every Wednesday night and then posting it onto Facebook making it available online. Jennifer started teaching an online Ladies Deaf Bible study on Monday nights with two missionary ladies from other parts of Mexico. This fall, I have agreed to teach a class in an online Baptist Bible Institute for the Deaf located in Chiapas, Mexico. Please pray that God will continue to bless these new methods of reaching and training the Deaf for Christ.
On Saturday July 31, I had the privilege of baptizing one of our newer young men. Kevin had accepted Christ as his Savior back in November and has been slowly growing in the knowledge and grace of our Lord. When it came to being obedient in baptism, though, Kevin always hesitated. He finally surrendered to the Lord’s will and was baptized in the new baptismal at the Potter’s House Baptist Church. This is a hearing church plant that God allowed us to help start in 2018-19. The church is doing well under national pastor, Mario Caballos, who is a valued friend. We thank God for the great day we had and ask that you pray that Kevin will have a strong desire to always be obedient to God.
Office News
We are looking forward to our annual BIO Fall Meeting in Fostoria, OH. The conference is set for October 21-22. Please visit and make plans to attend! The theme is Serving as Senders. We have a great line up of speakers and good music lined up. We are thankful for Dillon Road Baptist Church; they are hosting this meeting.
There will be a SMART Module dealing with cross-cultural ministry on October 20.
We thank you for your partnership with us and our missionaries. COVID continues to be a challenge in many countries. In spite of today’s challenges, the work of God continues around the world through your prayers and support.
Thailand Bound!
Jeremy and Ling Meir

The [country where we were serving] will remain closed for at least another year, but the Lord has opened the door for us to make a move to Chiang Mai, Thailand. Praise the Lord; we have the visa that is needed! We are now waiting for a Certificate of Entry (COE). We are hoping to get it this week. If all goes according to plan, we will fly out to Bangkok on September 8.
We will have to stay 14 days in quarantine. After quarantine is finished, we will make our way to Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai has many [people we were working with]! We will lead Bible studies. We want to see people come to know Christ and grow in the Lord.
We are hoping that this will be a temporary move. Our heart is still in [our previous country] and with the work that we started. It breaks our hearts that we cannot return at this time. However, this is out of our control. So, we are hoping to see God do some great things in Thailand until the border of [of our country] opens and we are allowed to return.